New Tribes Mission

   New Tribes Mission (NTM) is all about reaching the unreached 



Who are the unreached?  People groups that are without the Bible in their native language and there is no church (body of Christ, not a building) among them or any work being done to establish one; they are unreached with the Word of God. New Tribes missionaries go into the remote tribes and villages where these people are living and learn their language and culture (sometimes a 30 yr. + time commitment) in order to clearly present the Gospel and plant a church.  



These people groups are usually in bondage to animistic beliefs, meaning their lives are controlled by spirits who they are constantly needing to appease.  With this being the case, most tribes have little to no understanding of who God is and what His Word says. Therefore, in order to plant a church effectively NTM missionaries start teaching the Bible from the beginning and chronologically from there on. The chronological Bible teaching builds a foundation on which to present Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.   



Yet the work doesn't stop there, once there are believers in the church, missionaries continue teaching and discipling until the church is mature enough to initiate change in their own communities and become partners in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).


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